Ukraine Relief Fund to support those in need and to deploy teams to be the hands and feet of Jesus.


Relief Efforts

We are heartbroken to see what is happening in Ukraine and have decided to be actively a part of the relief efforts by sending teams to be the hands and feet of Jesus by helping refugees and sharing the Gospel. We have sent a total of 6 teams and are already hearing good reports of more than 500 salvations, finding shelter for many families, and helping ministries stationed in Poland and Romania to provide relief efforts. 100% of the funds given go towards Ukraine. Join us in supporting the churches, ministries, and organizations that are providing and taking care of the most urgent needs. Get live updates on what is happening and how we are making an impact together on our Instagram.


Ministries We Are Partnered With

Solid Rock Missions

Awakening Europe & CFAN

Agape International Ministries

Flame of Fire Ministries

Holy Spirit Nights (Menzatov/Voyt)

Good News Church (Cherkasy)

Word of Life Church (Zaporozheya)


  • How Do You Decide Where Funds Are Allocated? Right now we have a team who is connected to the ministries we are partnered with and we are giving on a case-by-case basis, whichever seems most necessary.

  • Can I give to a specific item/s that are needed? Yes. Please make a note when giving where you would like to give your funds specifically.

  • How Do I Updates of How Things Are Going? Right now the best way to get updates is via our Instagram, we are actively posting what our teams send.